Alignment. Astrology. Abundance. This is Jupiter.


The Peaceful & Productive Lifestyle.


Hello friends and welcome. We promote a peaceful and productive lifestyle in every way possible. In today’s world of distractions, we hope that you find peace here. Happiness & peacefulness are our natural states and we encourage everyone to find more of this. We use astrology, emotional intelligence, & other tools to help you return to your natural state. We all have unique birth charts and unique pathways. There is no right/wrong path, only what is in alignment with you.

We promote a holistically healthy lifestyle: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. We offer consultations, books, information, and inspiration to assist others in finding their own place of zen. Take what you need and leave the rest. The goal is to have a positive impact and send love to everyone who encounters this page.

-The Jupiter University Team


Emotional Health

Emotional health should be as much of a priority as your physical health. You don’t workout once and expect a six-pack; the same applies to your emotional health. Emotional fitness is an ongoing choice to make your mental health a priority too. Research shows that you can improve your Emotional Intelligence throughout your life. Here at Jupiter University, we teach you how to improve your EI using your Moon & Mercury placements.  

Career Alignment

If you lack clarity on a career path that maximizes your strengths and experiences, astrology can help. You can download my Career Guide to journal out a path for yourself or book an Astro Consultation with me. I’ve helped thousands of students over the past 2 decades find a career path in higher ed. I still continue to do so while using astrology to get more clarity.

Spiritual Health

Spiritual health isn’t normally a consideration until a crisis or death occurs; however, spiritually healthy people have the the resiliency & the tools to weather any storm. We support all spiritual paths that lead to positive growth. You can learn more about my spiritual awakening in my short eBook Earth Amnesia.